Our Research

D1.1 Definition of the gut glycome map along health to inflammation transition


D5.1 Dissemination, Communication & Exploitation Plan 1


D5.6 Project website


D6.1 Risk assessment analysis


D6.2 Development and update of the Data Management Plan 1


Vicente, M. M., Alves, I., Fernandes, Â., Dias, A. M., Santos-Pereira, B., Pérez-Anton, E., … & Pinho, S. S. (2023). Mannosylated glycans impair normal T-cell development by reprogramming commitment and repertoire diversity. Cellular & Molecular Immunology, 20(8), 955-968.


Vicente, M. M., Leite-Gomes, E., & Pinho, S. S. (2023). Glycome dynamics in T and B cell development: basic immunological mechanisms and clinical applications. Trends in Immunology, 40 (8), 585-597.


Pinho, S. S., Alves, I., Gaifem, J., & Rabinovich, G. A. (2023). Immune regulatory networks coordinated by glycans and glycan-binding proteins in autoimmunity and infection. Cellular & Molecular Immunology20(10), 1101-1113.


Gaifem J, Rodrigues CS, Petralia F, Alves I, Leite-Gomes E, Cavadas B, Dias AM, Moreira-Barbosa C, Revés J, Laird RM, Novokmet M, Štambuk J, Habazin S, Turhan B, Gümüş ZH, Ungaro R, Torres J, Lauc G, Colombel JF, Porter CK, Pinho SS. (2024) A unique serum IgG glycosylation signature predicts development of Crohn’s disease and is associated with pathogenic antibodies to mannose glycan. Nature Immunology, 25(9):1692-1703.


Almeida P, Fernandes Â, Alves I, Pinho SS. (2024) Glycans in Trained Immunity: Educators of innate immune memory in homeostasis and disease. Carbohydrate Research, 544:109245.


Crouch LI, Rodrigues CS, Bakshani CR, Tavares-Gomes L, Gaifem J, Pinho SS. (2024) The role of glycans in health and disease: Regulators of the interaction between gut microbiota and host immune system. Seminars in Immunology, 9(73):101891.


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