The GlycanTrigger project held its 2nd General Assembly Meeting on April 23rd and 24th 2024, in Leiden, Netherlands. Over 15 consortium members attended the meeting, hosted by Leiden University Medical Center (LUMC).

The meeting started with a warm welcome from the project coordinator, Salomé Pinho, alongside the Work Package (WP) 1 leader, Manfred Wuhrer, from Leiden University Medical Center, the hosting institution. Day 1 featured presentations by representatives from WP1, 3, 4, and 6, addressing current progress and challenges. Fruitful exchanges of ideas helped the partners solidify the project’s next phase.

The second day began with presentations by WP2 and WP5 providing updates on the status of their work, followed by valuable feedback from the External Advisory Board Members. Their insights significantly contributed to defining the project’s next steps.

The project coordinator concluded the meeting by congratulating the consortium on the hard work made so far. The next GlycanTrigger General Assembly Meeting will be held online in October 2024.