About GlycanTrigger project
About GlycanTrigger project
GlycanTrigger is a project funded by the European Union within the Horizon Europe Research and Innovation Actions, bringing together 9 organisations from 6 different European countries and 1 non-European country (USA).
In GlycanTrigger, we will investigate when, why and how changes in gut glycome trigger health-to-chronic inflammation transition. The project started in January 2023 and will be developed for 6 years under the coordination of Instituto de Investigação e Inovação em Saúde (i3S) from the University of Porto, Portugal. The GlycanTrigger consortium includes representatives from medical universities and research centers, clinical centers, one biotechnology company, one consultancy company, and one European patients’ association.

Scope of the project
Scope of the project
GlycanTrigger wants to find a way to intercept chronic inflammation by studying how changes in the composition of glycans that attach to the lining of the gut impact the initiation of the inflammatory process. The project’s long-term goal is to understand the contribution of gut mucosa glycome in health to intestinal inflammation transition aiming to figure out how to turn off this process by developing novel preventive intervention strategies
Work plan
Work plan
The project is composed by 6 work packages (WP) that are interconnected to allow a continuous cross-communication, in a way that each WP supports and guides the others.
Our impact
Our impact
New research on the role of glycans in inflammation and disease prevention leads to novel treatments and therapies. This knowledge helps medical professionals understand what triggers chronic inflammation and how to advise citizens to improve their health.
- Researchers and medical professionals understand the chronic inflammation factors triggering the health-to-disease transition and subsequently provide optimal counselling to citizens for improving their health.
- Health care professionals have access to and employ objective health indicators of chronic inflammation for monitoring the health status, establishing personalised prevention measures and improving the health outcomes for citizens.
- Health care professionals have the scientific evidence and understanding of health-to-disease transition to develop and use improved guidelines for personalised prevention strategies to tackle chronic diseases.
Reduced burden of chronic diseases on healthcare systems. This knowledge saves money on long-term treatments and patients can make informed decisions, resulting in healthier lives and fewer healthcare costs. This approach leads to a reduced burden of chronic inflammatory diseases worldwide, which can extend beyond CD and IBD to many other immune-related disorders.
- Reduced disease burden, including at old ages or in other vulnerable stages of life.
- Increased engagement in and adherence to effective strategies for health promotion, diseases prevention and treatment
With access to this knowledge, citizens can actively manage their own health, make healthier choices, and reduce their risk for developing chronic diseases. They can trust in knowledge-based health interventions and guidance from health authorities, leading to increased engagement in and adherence to effective strategies for health promotion, disease prevention, and treatment. This leads to patient empowerment and independence in health decision-making, resulting in a more informed and healthier society.
- Citizens are better informed to actively manage their own health, have the tools to maintain their healthy status, improve their health and reduce their risk for developing chronic diseases.
- Citizens adopt healthier lifestyles and behaviours, make healthier choices and maintain longer a healthy, independent and active life.
- Citizens are able and empowered to better manage their own physical and mental health and well-being, monitor their health, and interact with their doctors and health care providers.
- Citizens´ trust in knowledge-based health interventions and in guidance from health authorities is strengthened, including through improved health literacy.
GlycanTrigger aims to collaborate with its Sister Projects – EU projects funded by the call topic “Personalised Blueprint of Chronic inflammation in health-to-disease transition” (HORIZON-HLTH-2022-STAYHLTH-02-01)