About GlycanTrigger project
GlycanTrigger is a project funded by the European Union within the Horizon Europe Research and Innovation Actions, bringing together 9 organisations from 6 different European countries and 1 non-European country (USA).
In GlycanTrigger, we will investigate when, why and how changes in gut glycome trigger health-to-chronic inflammation transition. The project started in January 2023 and will be developed for 6 years under the coordination of Instituto de Investigação e Inovação em Saúde (i3S) from the University of Porto, Portugal. The GlycanTrigger consortium includes representatives from medical universities and research centers, clinical centers, one biotechnology company, one consultancy company, and one European patients’ association.
Key Numbers
6.8 M€
72 months
9 partners
6 European countries
Crohn’s disease (CD)
Ulcerative Colitis (UC)
News & Events
The GlycanTrigger Project is hiring a Research Fellowship/ PhD Student
The GlycanTrigger Project is hiring a Research Fellowship/ PhD Student to join the laboratories of two project partners - Pinho’s Lab at i3S – Institute of Health Innovation [...]
GlycanTrigger 2nd General Assembly Meeting in Leiden
The GlycanTrigger project held its 2nd General Assembly Meeting on April 23rd and 24th 2024, in Leiden, Netherlands. Over 15 consortium members attended the meeting, hosted by Leiden [...]